(423) 562-9312 ~ Phone
(423) 566-8121 ~ Fax
office@jacksboro.org ~ Email
L.E. Shelton ~ Crew Leader
Town of Jacksboro has received a grant from the State of Tennessee
Department of Environment and Conservation Solid and Hazardous Waste
Management to purchase a container for the disposal of used oil.
The container is located at the Jacksboro Street Department Maintenance Building at 605 Main Street. The container is for the public to use to dispose of used oil. The facility will be available for public use on Monday thru Friday 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.
Why recycle?
The Tennessee Used Oil Collection Act of 1993, enacted to prevent the mismanagement of used oil, makes it unlawful for any person to discharge used oil where it may harm the environment. Recycling used oil is good for the environment and the economy.
If not disposed of properly, used motor oil can interfere with sewer systems and could easily get into groundwater and streams. One gallon of used motor oil can contaminate a million gallons of drinking water.
Refining used oil will take only about 1/3 the energy of refining crude oil to lubricant quality. It takes approximately 42 gallons of crude oil, but it will only take 1 gallon of used oil, to produce 2 1/2 quarts of new, high-quality lubricating oil.
Used motor oil is insoluble, persistent and can contain toxic chemicals heavy metals. It is slow to degrade.
Recycled oil can be re-refined into new oil, processed into fuel oils and used as raw materials for the petroleum industry.
proper disposal techniques
Put your used oil in a clean plastic container with a tight lid.
Don't mix it with anything else. Paint, gasoline, solvents, antifreeze, etc. will make the oil unsuitable for recycling.
Take your used oil to our collection center located at:
- The Jacksboro Street Department Maintenance Building
- 605 Main Street
- Monday - Friday 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
After depositing your used oil, take your reusable container home to use it again.
be part of the solution
Recycling used oil makes more sense today than ever. Recycling saves money and protects the environment. Recycling is the only environmentally safe (and legal) way to dispose of used oil.
Oil itself is a nonrenewable natural resource, but recycled oil can be reprocessed and reused, so every drop counts.
Please recycle your used motor oil.
NOTICE: "This project is funded under an agreement with the Department of Environment and Conservation."